#Southwest Flight to #ATL

Savannah Johnson

I can’t express how excited I was to board that Southwest plane to go to Atlanta, Georgia. Uncharted land that I’ve never experienced. As I looked around my dark bedroom (at 1 o’clock in the morning) I began thinking about how big the world was and how I desperately wanted to explore all of it.

13 hours later the exploration begins. My group and I touched down in Atlanta at 4:20 in the afternoon. As we walked outside to wait for our van, I felt the warm humidity brush across my face and around my sweatshirt. As we rode around the bright, exciting city i couldn’t help but feel not only welcomed but like I belonged in this rich culture.

Jenna Pierre

Weeks before the trip I prepared and looked up the different places we were going to visit which were Morehouse College, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, and Georgia University. The night before our trip I stayed up, cleaned up, and tried to finish packing my bags so I could be as prepared as possible. I would like to learn as much as I possibly can and make the best of the opportunity that has been given to me.



Marcus Dubose and Mohammed Jackson

4 am for a young teenager to wake up can be a very unpleasant thing for our so called “blessed generation”. We looked past the pain and terror of no sleep and strived to be #BeastMode. We were excited for our flight with Southwest Airlines!

 Now if you are a first time flyer certain things can become confusing such as the check-in procedure and security regulations. One of our peers had an issue with the 3 ounce liquid rule. He packed a ton, literally a ton of water bottles. Well, I might be overemphasizing the story but you get the picture.


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