DC College Tour Reflection

My first time on an airplane was not as I planned it to be. I honestly thought it would be how it is on movies, very smooth. It was a lot of tumbling, but others call it “turbulence” & dips that made my stomach drop as if I was on a roller coaster. Ms. Regina was being very motherly and held Raheem and my hands during the take off. I found it fascinating how beautiful the clouds look. They actually look like pillows, very soft & comfortable. Being up high in the sky really made me think about where I wanted to go, where I wanted to be. And traveling is something I look forward to now getting this fear I had for a while out of my system. The day went by pretty fast, next thing I knew we were in D.C.! Going to MLK memorial, reading the passages made me realize the major I am planning on studying, political science, is a great choice because I want to make a change in my communities but I have to do it from the inside not outside. I want to thank EOYDC pathway to college and Southwest Airlines for making this possible.
–Naja Johnson
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