“Don’t be afraid to ask for help” Atlanta ’19

At Clark we met up with 3 Alumni: TK, Taniya and Jenna. Before showing us the campus they talked to about how life at HBCU is. They described Clark as very family based and traditional campus that shares a campus with Morehouse and Spellman. While receiving the tour several buildings stood out to me, first being the McPheeters building which is where science takes place. The Henry Pfeifer building which is where TK’s freshman dorm Hall was. On campus there is sites that belongs to a certain sorority or fraternity and it was considered sacred to them so you couldn’t sit or take picture in front of it unless you belong to that house. I thought that was interesting that certain houses had sites on campus sacred and only for usage for people that belonged to it.

After the tour I took away several things to remember if I attend here.
First, don’t be afraid to ask for help or tutoring if you need it. Second is: your firs year while attending Clark you will have better experience if you stay on campus because you can stay aware of events on campus which can enrich you experience.
I like Clark and would most definitely consider it as an option. After leaving Clark we had dinner with alumnus at Simon’s. I enjoyed the service there and enjoyed meeting and getting a chance to meet with our alumni. This way I was able to get a lot of my answers about college answered.
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