Flying to D.C. on Southwest!

On Tuesday night I couldn’t sleep because I was super excited and nervous. As I was making my way to the airport, I was excited about the trip, and to be on an airplane for the second time in my life!
After checking in, I was nervous! I started wondering if they would accept my passport as an ID, even though I checked on Southwest Airlines website and confirmed that they would. I started to panic but Ms. Regina was by my side and introduced me to her friend who works at the airport. I guess he noticed that I was a little nervous because he started to ask me how old I was. He stayed with me through the security checkpoint and made me feel safe. After the check point I was relieved, but still nervous to get on the plane.
I wanted to see Oakland all the way from the air and hoped to see my house or school. As we were boarding the airplane, I was telling myself, ” Its time , its time.”
I honestly forgot the process of boarding an airplane. But it wasn’t that bad. The pilot was greeting us and made a short conversation with me. Talking to the pilot made me feel safe because he’s the one driving the airplane. As I sat down and got ready to take off, I got more excited! I was so excited, that i forgot about the pack of gum I brought to prevent ear popping.
As the airplane started to move, I felt sick for a little bit but decided to close my eyes and just felt the airplane taking off. As we were feet above ground, I opened my eyes to witness freeways, houses, and the city of Oakland. I started to feel like my head was about to explode and decided to take a nap.
I was nervous about landing, and forgot how it felt. We landed in Michigan, and it seemed like a totally different world, where people spoke with a slight accent.
We landed in Washington D.C. and I thought the weather was going to be windy, cloudy, and rainy. To my surprise it was 80 degrees! What fantastic weather to start off this college tour!
Written by Julie Perez
Today we left for the Washington D.C college tour. I have heard some much about the tour ever since I’ve been going to the program. We did not have to wait long to get on the plane and when we did it was really great. There was barely anyone on the plane so I didn’t have to sit with anyone I basically had the whole row to myself. I haven’t been on a plane in a while, and it was great to be above the clouds and get away from Oakland for a bit. I was excited to do something productive, learn about all the different colleges, and just to be in another state.
We had to get on a second plane at St.louis airport, and wait around 2 hours. While waiting we got pizza from California Pizza, and it was really good. It made the time go by fast because I was enjoying the pizza so much. The second flight was pretty packed. All the seats were full, but it’s okay because I still got a window seat. A baby was crying the whole ride there, but I went to sleep early so that was tuned out.
When we were finally in D.C, we took a cab, there was a lot of traffic. We walked around downtown just to view all the nice things and to get something to eat from Shake shack. Downtown D.C. reminds me a lot of San Francisco, I don’t even feel like I am away from home.
Written by Justus Gabriel
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