Howard vs. Hampton DC/VA ’19

At the Obama Foundation, we met interns and they gave us a tour of the facility. The interns names’ were Sultan and Oumou. Oumou was a junior at Howard University in which we were going to visit next. She was a business and marketing major. She gave me her phone number and offered to reach out to me because she knew I was interested in Howard and she had friends that had connections in the political science programs. She was very sweet and she also shared with us that her family was from Ivory Coast and Guinea which my ancestry traces back to. She told me that internships are a great way to figure out what you want to do and, what you don’t want to do. I learned that the international team from the Obama Foundation is soon going on a trip to Malaysia for a conference with President Obama.

Next we met up with EOYDC alumni Shakir, Kyndal, and Jenae. I also had the chance to meet with one of my closest friends who attends Howard. Her name is Sahvanna. I haven’t seen her in about four months I was very excited to see her she also helped us with the tour. Howard University was originally my one school to apply to but, after visiting the campus I found that it is not my ideal environment. On the tour I learned that I don’t like the campus very much because it is just in the middle of the city. I learned that there’s a library on campus called Founder’s Library in which has one of the largest collections of African-American history in the United States. I learned that there are over 10,000 students enrolled at Howard University and one of them includes Nick Cannon. Also I learned that freshman cannot pick their own schedule. So far today I learned a lot and was pretty tired by the end. I still can’t decide which is better Hampton University or Howard University. I’m grateful for both of those tours because they helped me figure out where I want to be when I graduate which is so important especially as a senior. I am looking forward to tomorrow I heard that we are going to the restaurant called Nando‘s. I am so eager to taste the food Ms. Regina keeps mentioning how good it is I want to see for myself.
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