I think I found MY College…………….. (Nuclear Science, Black Psychology,and FAMU) FL ’18

Today we visited one of EOYDC’s Alumni, her name is Candice Harris and she is currently about to graduate with a PHD in Nuclear Physics. She was telling us about how she went to France and Italy and presented a project about developments she made in her studies, and she won some money for it; so I thought that was really cool.We learned about Pico second which is one of smallest units of measure. Also we learned that from 400-700 is one of the most visible lasers that you can see in a lab. I think that being there and being able to experiment with lasers and being in a lab,made me appreciate what I was doing. She took us to meet one of the scientists in the lab he worked in the DOB which is the Department of Defense where he introduced us to what he does and some of his previous work. He gave us a copy of his book that he wrote throughout the book. His daughter influenced him, so the main character in his book was Female. Next on our tour with Kandice she gave us some good facts and quotes. For example: I learned that plasma is a cloud of electrons and how everything is applied to light. Later that day we got a chance to sit in Mr.Sims class where I learned A LOT. He taught a class on Black Psychology, and one thing that really stood out to me was when he said that when black people get around white people we tend to correct ourselves and act accordingly but they don’t change at all, I just thought that was something really interesting that I never noticed and I want to learn more about why that is.
After that,we visited FAMU I felt like that’s somewhere I wanted to go, just seeing how they interact with each other and how hard they were rooting for Gillum was great to me. They were a very welcoming HBCU. And in all reality they were really pursuing us to go there and I like that.
–Jakori Nwamuo
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