My Heart is Warm!

Today was so heart warming! Before we went to do our service, we ate breakfast at the hotel and met with Abraham, Sandra and Edith who worked for the YMCA that we were about to visit. Once our driver came to pick us up, we drove for about 30 mins to get to the YMCA. When we arrived a group of third graders were outside to greet us with flags and posters. It was so cute!

They were so excited to see us, jumping around, hugging us and sparking conversations.

After a while we entered the school and met many different other classes. I was so surprised to find out that children were 3 years old in the first grade, how amazing is that! Meeting some of the children really touched my heart, seeing them full of joy and excitement to see us was a beautiful thing. When we were done playing around with the kids, we met some of the parents of the children and played games with them. It was really fun and entertaining to play games with people who were so nice and encouraging even though we had just met!

We also participated in cleaning the playground with them which was cool. Abraham and a few of his coworkers fed us food as well as some horchata! We then gave out fanny packs to the teachers and handed off the shoes to them as well. We also went around to the different classrooms and handed out pretzels. It was really nice to see the children happy and thankful for the pretzels that we gave them. Once we were done it was time to head back to the hotel. We rested for a little bit and then went to the mall , 222. It was a pretty mall, outdoor type but had most of the same stores that are back home. We then went to a taco place that was on a corner and I was amazed. The tacos were delicious! No complaints at all. I’m excited to go back tomorrow and eat them again. We headed back to the hotel, packed our things for tomorrow and went on to bed.
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