My Question to the Obama Foundation

We walked into The Obama Foundation offices and got a mini tour from our tour guide Brittany and her co-worker. They told us that Barack Obama himself was there yesterday! After, that we went in the conference room to meet with Michael Smith. Michael Smith is a special assistant to the President and the Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs for My Borther’s Keeper at the White House. He came in and we were all attentive. We started with introducing ourselves and then he introduced himself and how he had came to where he is now. It was a very touching for me to hear his story. It made me even want to know more, but we didn’t exactly have enough time for that. Then, the last couple of minutes we were able to ask some questions and I was able to ask mines, which was:
“How can the Obama Foundation incorporate community leadership training for the youth that are younger than 18?”
He couldn’t really answer how they do it now because they are mainly doing it with youth that are 18 and older, but he mentioned doing trial runs with it some time soon.

Goodies from The Obama Foundation
Then, before he had to go to his meeting we got to take pictures with him and get some bags with limited edition goodies in it. We thanked them so much.
After, we went back to hotel to get ready for Howard. Took the Subway station to Howard and stopped at Starbucks. Jenay ended up meeting up with us, then Kyndall came too. She gave us the tour of the business building and answered questions, Jenay even talked a little about her major. Nakiya then met up with us too. We then met up with Shakir and walked through the business building and they told us different facts about the school and gave us a walk to the Drew Hall.

Eventually we just walked back to the bookstore if you wanted something. After, that it ended with us all eating at Bus Boys and Poetry. It was nice and the day was really long but it was interesting, shocking, and good for me. Can’t wait to see what the next couple of days have for me!
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