Oakland to Texas…..(A Tale of Two Cities)

The best part of this trip so far was the amazing view when we were on the plane. The view was just so beautiful, the clouds and all the mountains were completely breathtaking. The first thing I noticed when we arrived to the airport in Houston was that it was different from the one in Oakland and there was a ton of places to get food from. Once we got a rental and were on the road I noticed that some parts of Houston looked very similar to certain parts of Oakland. I also noticed that the streets were very empty and there was like no pedestrians at all however there was a lot of traffic on the freeway.

The first place we went while in Houston was The Galleria. The mall was huge and had a lot of high end stores but I ended just buying a few items from Forever 21. While at The Galleria I ate at Raising Canes for the first time and it was really good, I understand why people like it so much now. After leaving The Galleria we checked into our hotel and it is really nice. Overall today was a pretty chill day and I’m enjoying Texas so far.
I’m really excited for what’s in store for tomorrow.
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