Powerhouse Meeting at #BET

The group had the pleasure of sitting down at the board table at BET for a discussion with three powerhouse media players – Michelle Thornton, Louis Carr and Nicci Gilbert.
Wise words from Michele Thomton
- “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs”
- “In order to live right you have to give to others”
Michele Thornton (@thorntonmichele), SVP of TV Ad Sales for Centric, a BET Networks and author of Stratechic (@stratechic), a new book urging women to be more Stratechic and reclaim the power they naturally possess.
Nicci Gilbert (@niccigilbert), ⅓ of girl group Brownstone and producer of ‘From the Bottom to the Top’ and R& B Divas.
Louis Carr, President of Broadcast Media Sales for BET Networks
- “Do you want to be good or great? “
- “If you don’t have vision for yourself, hope you meet a vision maker!”
“My eyes were opened. I was inspired and moved by so many people that make a difference in their careers, I will be next!…”The whole tour was a powerful eye opening experience where lots of deep thoughts, feeling and advice was shared”
-Kianna Johnson
“I thought seeing women like Ms. Thornton as SVP at BET and Nicci Gilbert taking her career from singing to producing was way more than I ever envisioned for myself”
–TeOnna Brooks
“(Mr. Carr’s) quote really touched me because I want to do great in everything”
– Annakiya
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