See you Later #ATL

Morris Jackson
At last I’m going home, the thing I was looking forward to but not wanting to happen. Going on this trip changed allot of things for me. Specifically,how I viewed Historically Black Colleges . I wanted nothing to do with them at the beginning of the trip, but as the trip progressed I learned that they care about unity and they mean business. The college I’m pointing my energy to is Morehouse. I think that’s the college for me to attend to further my education, manhood , and life skills. Going on this trip also helped me to gain a new level of respect for Martin Luther King Jr. All my life I thought I knew what he did or even what other people in the civil rights movement did but I didn’t realize the full scope of their impact until I got to Atlanta. When we attended all of the Martin Luther Ling experiences it really gave me knowledge and actually made me cry. To know that he gave his all for us to see change meant a lot and it inspired me to change my life. A messages I remember seeing at these events was “For those of faith the end is but the beginning” and I totally believe that who ever believes in something and keeps that faith sometimes your sacrifice will spark an understanding to people.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was eating with the EOYDC alumni. I learned some life skills that I should apply in college and it gave me a sense of hope that people from my “hood” can make it. I have personally lived a very stressful life and had to deal with personal family problems. I never thought that anybody would care about ME as much as Ms.Regina. I end this by thanking South West for keeping me safe on all of the plane rides. I also want to thank Ms.Regina for making sure we were safe and unharmed. As I depart out of ATL, I can still see downtown Atlanta slowly fading in the distance and all I can think is “I’m coming back for you Morehouse”.
Marcus Dubose
My time in Atlanta was one of the best I’ve had in my life. I’ve grown closer with my peers, been exposed to people and history that have changed my perspective on where I want to pursue higher learning. I’ve gotten to reconnect with people that I consider to be my family. I saw things that opened my eyes and gave me more insight and I’ve definitely gained more knowledge.
In The beginning I wasn’t sure I’d be able to be my usual self and be comfortable but the group bonded well. We cracked jokes on each other, had good conversation, worked out together, suffered through the heat, and shared one heck of an experience with one another. The people that went on this trip with me will always be my friends.
Before this trip I wanted to go to a community college back in California for the start of my college career but now that has changed.
Ronald Jenkins
I woke up this morning knowing it was my last day in Atlanta. Atlanta was a great experience for me and for EOYDC. I learned so much in Atlanta, even when it came to the weather, schools, history etc. I’m ready to share my experiences from Atlanta with people in the Bay Area. I’d like to thank Ms.Regina for making all this possible and for expanding my interests in schools.
My last day in Atlanta ended off perfect. Today we went to go see more history and cultural things from the old house of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and the national historic hall. I thought I knew 75% of how segregation was back in the 1900’s but I learned a ton just from Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil activists. Overall the day went well for the last day in ATL.
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