Student Reflection By Miles Lawerence

Coming into Cal Poly, in St. Louis Obispo, I didn’t know what to expect. After hearing that the school is only .6% black I thought it would be very hard to get into based on the number of minorities and the tuition funds. We pulled up to the campus it was very clean and there were not a lot of people roaming around the campus. There was a lot of bikes parked so people must’ve been out of town. Apart from that was that you could smoke almost anywhere on campus which would be a disadvantage for some people. Each dorm room was named during national Park in the United States.
While walking to the dorms if you look up in the mountains each mountain had a letter on it and anyone who wanted to paint the letter could if they wanted to. Our tour guide Bryce Bell said that when he becomes a senior he wanted to paint it a white glow in the dark color so at night the letter on the hill will glow. Also in the dorm building, it included a community room ping-pong private study room and a snack bar. Each dorm building came with the RA which is kind of the mom of the dorms that gets their Him and dining paid for. Positive part about that is you get to meet new people all around the campus.
Also there is EOP which can provide you better counseling and can reduce your tuition. Reistville also participated in the black student union and the Society of black engineers which is a black engineering club around the campus for blacks to meet each other. The dining hall was separated mainly in social classes. The rich kids was to the right in the other kids are to the left the regular dining. When we went to the library we were tasked to go look for the majors and books that went with my major of Liberal Arts.
In conclusion Cal Poly was a beautiful experience because the campus was clean, resources were there to take advantage of, and clubs around the campus were available to meet the right people. One negative thing that I realize about Cal Poly is that it’s in a natural area and there lots of pollen is in the air which isn’t the best for my allergies.
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