UC Riverside

Jalaysha left her purse at UCLA yesterday. Despite the tension we all felt, James and I put out some positive vibes in hopes that we would attract the purse back to us. When we arrived at UCLA at 9:15am to look for the purse, James accompanied Jalaysha to the lost and found. After a half hour wait, they came back to the car, with the purse and everything in it. Good vibes indeed!
We then stopped by my old dwelling near Vermont and 42nd, behind USC. At this point, I treated them to my favorite childhood drink-Orange Bang. It is a whipped orange drink that I have only been able to find in certain parts of Los Angeles. They seemed to like it.
Next was UC Riverside. Tia became immobile due to a knee injury sustained in her last softball game. The more she walked, the more it hurt. Fortunately, UC Riverside’s Student Disability Service Center was generous enough to loan us a wheelchair (I thanked Susanne, who facilitated the loan with an EOYDC short and purple book). The boys certainly know how to goof off. They also effortlessly step up when they see their comrades in despair. As pictured above, you can see Devonte, Isaac and Elijah assisting Tia up the stairs. This was only one demonstration of their consistent consideration for their peers.
More to come.
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