We’re going back to D.C.

With the first leg of EOYDC college tours set to take off next week, we are taking a look back at our previous D.C. college tours.
Last year we had the opportunity to take two groups of students to Washington D.C.
The first tour was our only My Brother’s Keeper College Tour. Five young men had many exciting opportunities, including a briefing from former Deputy Director for the White House Initiative on the Educational Excellence for African Americans, Khalilah Harris.
Our second cohort to hit the nation’s capital was co-ed and had an equally wonderful trip. They were met by Howard grads Jailyn Anderson and Arianna Bell. This year we look forward to seeing two Georgetown grad students, Taylor Brandon and David Thomas!
Be on the lookout for student written blog posts highlighting their trip. As always, thank you to our wonderful sponsor Southwest Airlines.
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