Atlanta College Tour ’18- Day 1
Waking up in the morning was a drag. I was so exhausted but excited at the same time. I couldn’t wait until I got to the airport to get the show on the road. When we got to the airport, there were a lot of people and it made me even more excited to be going to Atlanta. My dad wanted to make sure that he had his pictures to post on his social media. He was giving me great words of advice on our way to the airport, such as “Ask great questions” and “Be open minded.” The first flight was ok, but I could not fall asleep. I was so exhausted because my body was not used to getting up that early. Southwest was very nice and they gave us snacks so I was happy. They made sure to check in with us and make sure that we were ok during our flight. We had a layover in Las Vegas… We had to ask a lot of people about the places that we were heading to but it was a good experience to know that we can depend on people for help. We checked into our hotel and we had about 15 minutes to get situated. We then went to the lobby and met everyone. We went around downtown Atlanta, and we looked at companies, and historical parks, and we also got out the car to take pictures and buy stuff from local entrepreneurs. After driving around for a couple hours, we decided to head to Walgreens to pick up a few things. After everyone stating that they were tired, we decided to head back to the hotel to get ready for the next day.

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