My Eyes are Open………………. (Traveling Abroad and The State Senate) FL ’18

Today to start off our Florida State tour Brian Sims recommended this one local spot called Break Fast Buffet to eat breakfast which was the best I’ve ever had in my life. The lemonade was over the top the selection and food was just on point I want to go again tomorrow. We then tried some of their own made hot sauces which were so spicy that I almost couldn’t handle it. Then we headed off to Florida State and since it was more bright outside I could really take in and appreciate Florida and it was actually very city like with everything in close proximity. Arriving at Florida State and knowing some of the facts about it from the packet let me appreciate it more especially after meeting our tour guide and learning about the CARE program that is offered to only Florida residents. I could say the scenery was something special in the day with all the different trees compared to the bay and all the fountains and events happening around campus.
Cameron was the second nicest person I have met at Florida and learning about his major and research at Ghana has really opened my eyes. This trip has definitely opened my eyes to maybe study abroad for a year and explore new cultures and be more involved in a little bit of everything. Something that really inspired and peaked my interest was how these African-American students are fighting for what they believe in on a daily basis when they removed the statue of the plantation owner.
After that remarkable experience we went somewhere else, we went to the State Senate building of Florida and took a tour of the room where the Senate comes to pass bills and elect a new U.S. Senate for that state. It’s something that really makes you feel that you’re making a change if you decide to go that route but something I feel like I will tell other people to go into. Overall, Florida has really grown on me and inspired me to change my college list to maybe apply to more school’s out of state.
-Christian Tovar Villareal
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