Southern College Tour: Day 3

Southern College Tour

Today was my last day in Atlanta, and it was bittersweet because I do want to go home but in actuality, I do not want to. Today started off as an early morning. We were all really tired because the day before was pretty fun, long hot, and tiring. We all woke up sort of lagging because by the time we fell asleep it was time to get up again. I got dressed and went downstairs with the girls waiting for everyone else to come down. We all met in the lobby talked about our day, then left the hotel. The first stop we made was to The Center for Human Rights. This museum was absolutely amazing to me because I loved seeing the different points of history from the beginning to almost now. My favorite part was the dinner experience because for a moment I felt like I was in their time and the Emmett Till photo and description because I had already planned to use him for my research paper and now I had another reference. While looking through the different exhibits I was getting a little sad because I have no idea what those people went through during that time, all I know is what I read about in school or now. The museum was great and I will definitely go back. The second stop was the Clark Atlanta Bookstore. Yesterday I was upset because we did not make it to the Clark Atlanta Bookstore. Today was the best because Ms. Regina made sure that we made it back to the store before in time before it closed. I was able to get everything that I wanted. Our last stop was The Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic site. I had no idea that they created so many different museum and landmarks so that the world could really know who Martin Luther King Jr. was. We went to visit his home and it felt unreal. I was having mixed emotions and was in AW all in one moment. I was honored to have seen where Dr. King had grown up at, his church, and the other memorable museums that were created for him. Our day came to a close at the great Mary Mac soul food restaurant with the Alumni. It was yummy just the way I liked it. This tour has been amazing, I had a great time and would love to come back. I had my great moments and my bad moments but all together I had a fun filled tie. I now know for sure that I want to transfer to an HBCU in spring 2018. Thank you, Southwest and Ms. Regina!

–Micaiah Bell

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